No 3. Did you know?

No 3. Did you know?

As part of the substantial investment in the Estate by the new owners of the Estate (the Love Family) built a completely new set of farm buildings and the main part of the ‘new’ farm house in the 1880s along a “model farm” basis. The bricks were all made in the Estate’s own brick yard using clay dug from the now heavily wooded area adjacent to the roundabout on the A19. The construction of the new farmhouse was to a very high standard and the property demonstrates one of the earliest examples of a residence with cavity walls with each of the inter wall ties comprising a much more robust piece of metal work than is found today. All roof water was collected from the house and directed into a large underground brick lined tank to the side of the House. The farm buildings were built around a traditional covered fold yard for wintering cattle with stabling for 13 cart horses and grain storage to the rear. All these buildings now form the centre piece of The Hawk Creative Business Park.